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Nursing Home Abuse

When you place a loved one in a nursing home, you hope that the staff would love and respect him or her as if they were family. Sadly, this is not always the result. Elderly persons in care homes are frequently the targets of abuse.

As a result, it might be challenging to place your trust in medical professionals and nursing home staff. We trust that everyone would be kind to and care for our loved ones as if they were their own. However, there are situations when employees would take advantage of elderly patients and mistreat them physically or mentally. Abuse of the body or mind can have serious effects, including fatal injuries.

You may be entitled to compensation if you or a loved one experienced emotional or physical abuse at the hands of nursing home workers. However, it’s crucial to contact a lawyer as quickly as possible for legal advice.



    Know the Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

    You can contribute to the battle against and prevention of mistreatment if you are aware of the symptoms of nursing home abuse. Senior citizens are more likely to be subjected to mental or physical abuse since it is more difficult for them to speak up.

    The warning indications that your loved one is in danger are listed below. Speak up if you observe these indicators! By informing someone of the following, you could save a life:

    malnutrition or dehydration
    wrong medications
    improper hygiene
    dirty bedding
    Withdrawal \sFear \sAgitation
    continual sobbing
    Accusations of negligence