Regal Attorney

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Aviation Accidents

One of the modern luxuries that is easy to take for granted is air travel, which enables us to travel distances that would have previously taken days in a matter of hours. Unfortunately, travelling by air puts people at risk for serious or even fatal injuries, especially when pilots, airlines, or aeroplane manufacturers don’t take the necessary precautions. To make up for the injury they endure as a result of such negligence, persons who are hurt in an airline accident may be entitled to financial compensation.

Call (222) 555-555 to get a consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys regarding the specifics of your case. The California aeroplane accident attorneys of regal attorney are standing by.



    Causes of Aviation Accidents

    Because of the extreme sophistication of modern airplanes, even a minor error can lead to a major accident. Some common causes of aviation accidents include:
    Pilot Error
    Pilot Intoxication
    Airline Negligence
    Airplane Defects / Malfunctions
    Air Traffic Controller Error